Online marketing

We also offer services for email marketing, social, SEM, paid promotions and more.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the things we can help you with:

Email marketing – We can help you not only set up your email software, but also optimize your campaigns, make sure you’re up-to-date on regulations and help with list management.

Social media – Social combines the best of both digital marketing and customer service, but it can be tricky. We can help with your social branding, posts, and best practices on a variety of platforms and help you hone in on the best ones for your company.

SEM – Search engine marketing is broken out into two main parts: search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search. SEO helps your site rank higher in search results through metadata fine-tuning, keyword targeting, and content structure. Paid search is exactly what it sounds like: you pay for placement in different areas of a search engine result, such as a higher spot in the list, in display ads, or on sister mediums.

Paid promotions – Although we mentioned paid search above, there’s a seemingly endless amount of opportunities for paid promotions online — from paid social to sponsored content to influencer marketing. As with other online advertising, it’s all about focusing your efforts on where your current and potential customers are, while getting the most for your money.

We can also help with lead generation campaigns and breaking down analytics.